

Physical Training

One of the key components of the Naval ROTC program is physical fitness training.  Midshipmen must remain within standards, including height and weight standards, to commission.  For Navy Options to meet minimum standards he or she must achieve a "good" or better on each portion of the Navy PRT (1.5 mile run, forearm planks, push ups) and meet height and weight standards.  The official Navy standards are listed below.  For Marine Options to meet minimum standards he or she must score a 225 or better on the PFT and meet height and weight standards.  The official Marine Corps standards are listed below.

Midshipmen are strongly encouraged to exceed minimum standards.

Navy Options



Marine Options










How to Increase Physical Readiness

The Battalion will conduct mandatory physical fitness training weekly.  Times and locations of the PTs will be listed on the Plan of the Week.

Failure to Meet PT Standards

If a Midshipman is unable to meet minimum standards, he or she should seek help from their peers and the Unit Staff.  Failure to meet standards will result in a warning, probation, loss of scholarship, or removal from the program.